Walking Ix (ee`sh):
In the Mayan Oracle, Ix represents "integrity, heart-knowing, alignment with divine will, magician, shaman, jaguar, night seer, priest, torch bearer, magic." When I asked the Oracle what Star-Glyph represented my purpose in this website, Ix was the answer.
Holding fast to the qualities of Ix, this journal chronicles my spiritual path. On the path, I will occasionally write organized essays on spiritual subjects, those will appear under Pieces below.
Thursday, May 05, 2005
Recognizing limits
I failed to realize that I was limiting my options yet again. With the loss of my job and the generous severance package, I knew I had the opportunity to create a better working life for mysElf. I tried to remain open to non-traditonal options and to hold to the truth that I deserve a healthy, enjoyable, worthwhile job and workplace. I was, however, telling mysElf that I would have to look for jobs within a certain skillset and salary level, based on my previous work experience.
I realized this morning that I was doing that -- setting limits for mysElf where I don't want them. It's BS to think I can only work as an Admin Asst and only make the same amount I've made in the past.
There is no reason that I can't ask the Universe for a flexible, enjoyable, challenging position in a healthy (physically, emotionally, and spiritually), open work environment at $XXK. I don't have to compromise mysElf. My needs are just as important as that of any employer. My goals for my household deserve the best resources and opportunities. Why should I limit what I ask for simply because society says "you can only expect to make $25K and only do this type of office work?"
Society has rarely been honest with me. I don't have to be Xtian. I don't have to be heterosexual. I don't have to be married. I don't have to have children. I don't have to have only one partner. I don't have to live in a egalitarian personal relationship. I don't have to stay in the same neighborhood as my family and live out my life where they lived theirs. I don't have to believe "society" when it tells me what kind of job I'm qualified to look at or what salary I'm going to get -- that will be between mysElf and whatever employer I decide is offering me a worthwhile job experience.
If I want to live the way I believe, then I have to remove *all* the limits I've placed on my thinking over the years.
posted by DM # @ 09:35