
Walking Ix

My Journal
D M's Realm

©2001-2004, D M -- all rights reserved under international copyright laws.
"There is no right or wrong. There's just good and bad, and bad is usually what happens when you try to be right."

--Kevin Kline

Walking Ix (ee`sh): In the Mayan Oracle, Ix represents "integrity, heart-knowing, alignment with divine will, magician, shaman, jaguar, night seer, priest, torch bearer, magic." When I asked the Oracle what Star-Glyph represented my purpose in this website, Ix was the answer.

Holding fast to the qualities of Ix, this journal chronicles my spiritual path. On the path, I will occasionally write organized essays on spiritual subjects, those will appear under Pieces below.

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Progress Report -- October

Well, the month got away from me. I remember accomplishing a few things on October 2nd before my car died. On the 3rd we waited all day for the mechanic who finally told us it was better to trade it in than fix it. So, the next five days were spent with a rental car and visiting dealerships. Since I've always driven automatic, boy is teaching me to drive stick. However, between his work schedule and the necessary household errands, I've only had three lessons. And after such intense internet research regarding the car for a week, I was definitely burned out. The result is no updates here and no new posts to My Journal.

Some accomplishments (in no particular order):

  • purchased a few racks and holders to organize various items
  • purchased a much-needed dresser for the bedroom
  • purchased a computer stand that we are using as a "entry center" for keys, loose items, briefcase, etc.
  • purchased a few more jars for storing incense
  • completely labeled and organized all the incense in the house and relocated their storage to a central, accessible location
  • cataloged a crate of books to give away and started plans for a "book exchange" party that will also help us clear out some CDs and videos
  • cleared several boxes labeled "to be filed"
  • spent most of the 30th cataloging, labeling, and redistributing files between three file drawers (this merges boy's filing system with mine for the first time)
  • boy spent most of yesterday clearing his office stuff, including:

    • finding a place to hang "how to be an artist" poster that was sitting on the floor
    • sorting through one or two boxes of his "to be filed" stuff
    • re-organizing our various supplies of papers, folders, and binders
    • re-organizing some of the storage in the office closet
    • clearing some of the clutter from surfaces/floor in the office

  • re-arranged some of the bookcase shelves to make room for library books, & books we're currently reading so that they are not stacked throughout the house
  • purchased a CD holder to store CDs in the car (the new car has a CD player!)
  • designated one magazine holder for "Action" items and designated a place for it to live in the office
  • shredded or trashed two garbage bags of junk mail and useless papers (mine & boy's) and doubled our supply of draft paper
  • boy cleared the dining table, cleaned some very nasty pet stains from the carpet, took apart a pet-destroyed bookcase, and made use of crate storage so that we have designated kitchen overflow, a place for storing bottled water, three shelves to be used wherever we need them, and can now use our dining table for every meal again!

The plan for today includes (after a driving lesson) moving the new dresser into the bedroom and re-distributing clothing, linens, and IPPs,* and spending a little more time on the office.

My goal is to return to the weekly progress reports starting next weekend.

*IPP = Instruments of Pain & Pleasure
posted by DM # @ 18:16


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